Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who is the Sustainable Ridgewood Group?
The Sustainable Ridgewood Group is a trifecta of sustainability resources (sustainableridgewood.org, Sustainable Ridgewood Facebook group, and the Sustainable Zoom Series in partnership with Ridgewood Library.
2. Is the Sustainable Ridgewood Group affiliated with Green Ridgewood or the Ridgewood Green Team?
Sustainable Ridgewood is an independent organization devoted to promoting sustainability primarily working with residents and our schools.
Green Ridgewood is the official environmental advisory committee appointed by the Ridgewood Village Council. Its Green Team subcommittee is responsible for maintaining the Village’s certification in the state supported Sustainable Jersey program.
While run separately, the two groups support each other working towards the shared goal of sustainability.
3. How can I get involved?
These are four easy ways that you can get involved in our mission to make Ridgewood more sustainable:
i. Get involved in the Sustainable Jersey for Schools Certification Program
a. Yourself, or by encouraging our local schools to sign-up
b. To learn more, you can email Christine Amundsen, the Energy expert for Ridgewood Public Schools.
ii. Attend a Ridgewood Green Team Meeting
a. Normally held the first Thursday of every month at 7pm in the Garden Room at the Village Hall – virtual for the time being. Check out their meeting dates, minutes and other regular updates here greenridgewoodnj.org
b. Contact Green Ridgewood at [email protected] to join the monthly meeting or become part of the team.
iii. Attend a Shade Tree Commission meeting
a. Every second Tuesday of every month in the Garden Room in the Village Hall at 7:30pm – virtual for the time being
b. Contact Carolyn Jacoby to participate or ask any questions regarding planting and sustainable tree growth in Ridgewood.
c. Other ways to help with this topic? Carolyn suggests donating to the Arbor Day Foundation and planting a tree in your backyard – it’s beautiful, rewarding, and a carbon sink
iv. Other ways of giving, if you are tight for time:
a. Supporting the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory run by Columbia’s Earth Institute
b. Supporting Concern USA (humanitarian organization involved with poverty and developing countries, and their increased vulnerability to the negative impacts of climate change)
4. How can I educate myself further on issues related to sustainability?
Well, it begins here! You can find a sustainability road-map, for personal and lifestyle choices, on this website’s how-to-guides. You can find a compilation of recommended resources—both local and general—here as well.
You can also join our affiliate Facebook group Sustainable Ridgewood where you can participate in public discussions by community members on issues related to sustainability. This is a place for sharing resources, ideas, asking questions, and having a healthy debate.
Finally, we invite you to take a listen to the “Think Global, Act Local” episode of the Ridgewood Public Library Sustainable Zoom Series. They conclude:
Sharing in best practices and coordinating techniques can help build sustainable networks of resilience
By bringing about a greater awareness to ourselves and each other, we can foster a culture of sustainability
The more we make ourselves as individuals, an active part of sustainable community development, the more sustainable our communities will become