Educate — Connect — Inspire Sustainable Ridgewood


The mission of Sustainable Ridgewood is to provide resources and education to the community on ways to positively impact the environment.
We believe that small, intentional steps can ultimately lead to a global impact.


Increase local knowledge and interest in issues related to sustainability.


Connect community members to local groups, initiatives, events, ideas, and opportunities.


Inspire Active Citizenship

Through education, connection, and a shared sense of community pride with the end objective of improving the sustainability of our community.


Part II: On Plastic

What’s Up With Bottled Water???  Let’s look at some facts, real facts:  Bottled water...

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Event Calendar

Community Voices

Opinions from Local Residents

Interview with Pamela Perron
Green Ridgewood Village Council

Buying Clean Energy with Ken Jones
Glen Rock Environmental Commission

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